Coaching for Runners

Professional Coaching for runners with the aspiration to improve…

Personalised Plans

Any new relationship will need to establish exactly what the athlete wants from the programme. This could include…

  • Face to Face training sessions

  • Mindset preparation

  • Weekly calls

  • Personalised plans prepared and based on required end outcomes

I make sure this is not prescriptive, it’s a blend of everything that will work for the athlete, and prices are based on exactly what support the athlete needs.

To access my training plans, visit

Bespoke Training

To succeed, its important that any training plan is geared around your own personal circumstances and required outcomes. Once that is established and agreed, an initial plan can be prepared. In most instances programmes are planned over a four/eight week mesocycle, but each week is planned and agreed based on a weekly review.

My view is that any initial Coach: Athlete relationship should where possible involve an initial meet and the delivery of a personalised interval session, to help to plan and prepare the right programme, and to look for any apparent areas that may require focus (advice on technique etc.). Coaches work with both the eye, the general feel and discussion, and of course a stop watch! Naturally, where this is not possible, a detailed assessment via Zoom can be used.

Claire C.

“Nick has been a constant motivator – always giving me inspiration and support when I need it. Even when I had to take time out through injury last year, he checked in regularly with me and always had the right words to help with my recovery. He will always find time to reassure, motivate, build confidence within you and will definitely help give you a positive mindset.”

— Claire C. British Masters V35 Silver Medallist 2021 (17.27)

Contact Nick

Contact Nick to discuss coaching options…

Office: +44 (0) 161 486 9577
Mobile: +44 (0) 7919 565904