Running Blog
How much of your training should be hard?
Fuelling for Athletes
The importance of Technique
Technique is important for runners, but only subtle changes that wil help to improve.
The Behavioural Triangle
Various figures have been discussed and published by leading psychologists about how much of our potential we actually deliver - some as low as 20%! What has to change?
Getting in the Zone
Getting in the zone is all about how our subconscious works. Use the tips below and you will be in the zone and ready to deliver a top performance!
Race Day Tips for a 5K
Much of this is down to routine, and what works for you. It also starts the day before, in terms of resting more and not being on your feet quite as much…an earlier night and no alcohol…
The Characteristics of High Performing Athletes
This article talks about the characteristics of “High Performing Athletes.” To reach the top in any field (sport, business etc.), requires a range of attributes. In terms of athletes much will be down to a combination of ability, commitment to training and as we have detailed in previous articles…Self-belief…
How to Run a Faster 5K
This will vary between runners, based on your current speed, weekly mileage and…if you have more “fast twitch muscle fibres…or slow twitch muscle fibres” …Put simply, some of us are more sprinters, while some more endurance….