Why Kenyans excel as athletes
I write this, as someone who has now visited Kenya many times, and where I now have a group of talented athletes.
My thoughts below are the ones that we can all relate too, as opposed to the more physiological ones etc.
Conditioning…both mentally in their personal belief systems (everything is possible), and being brought up in a country obsessed with athletics…this is all that the sports pages of the newspapers cover!
A way out of poverty…a very strong driver, where for too many, work is scarce.
Natural athletes from birth…walking to school each day…often 5k!
Red Blood Cell Count…training at altitude, provides a boost to your red blood cell count, allowing for better oxygenation of the muscles
Lifestyle…few distractions, a humble life, and a commitment to improvement.
Rest is rest…early to bed, and early to rise. Between morning & afternoon running sessions comes rest, and with phones switched off.
Diet…totally fresh…straight from the fields…meat & vegetables! Nothing processed.
Physique…naturally lean, but strong from working on the land and fields, and from an early age.
Sense of community…no egos, a sense of community, and everything shared.
Humble yet hungry…wondeful people, humble, yet eager for success, and with total commitment.